Tuesday, June 22, 2010

About darn time for an update

Hey everyone! I know I've been terrible at keeping this thing updated, but time is precious and short sometimes. I'll get better, I promise. So here's a shout from my new area: Bydgoszcz! It's a great town with a river that runs through it, and a very strong branch of the church as well. For some unkown reason, I have now been made a Zone Leader, despite the fact that I've only been here for five months.....rumor has it that there's a meth lab right beneath the mission office so that could have something to do with it haha

Man, you learn so much on a mission. One very cool thing is the ability to love absolutely everyone. By no means am I fully capable of this, but I try every day. The world completely changes when you view it through those eyes. You start seeing the good in everyone, and forget all the problems that seem to plague everyone. You press forward with hope, you can smile everywhere you go, it's just amazing! If there are any of you (guys in particular) who are still trying to decided whether or not to serve, I have three little words for you "JUST DO IT". It's not the easiest thing to do in the world, but it is by far the most valuable and rewarding. Love all of you!

Starszy Davis

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